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Access schemes for people with disabilities
Access to educational resources for those not studying at the university
Access to mental health support for students and staff
Access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services for students
Access to university facilities for local famers and food producers to improve sustainable farming practices
Accessible childcare facilities for staff
Accessible childcare facilities for students
Accessible facilities for people with disabilities
Accommodation policy or strategy for people with disabilities, including adequate funding
Affordable housing for staff
Affordable housing for students
Anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies
Assistance for start-ups that foster and support a low-carbon economy or technology
Build on brownfield sites
Build to sustainable standards
Building standards to minimise water use
Campus food waste per person
Campus food waste tracking
Collaborate with local community to maintain shared aquatic ecosystems
Collaborate with local community to maintain shared land ecosystems
Collaborate with NGOs on climate change adaptation
Collaborating internationally to capture data relating to SDGs
Collaborating internationally to develop best practice on tackling SDGs
Collaborating with NGOs to tackle SDGs through student volunteering programmes, research programmes or educational resources
Collaborations and health services
Collaborations with local, national or global health institutions to improve health and well-being outcomes
Commitment to carbon neutrality
Commitment to meaningful education around the SDGs across the university, relevant and applicable to all students
Community access to university sports facilities
Cooperating with local, regional, national or global governments on water security
Cross-sectoral dialogue about SDGs with government or NGOs
Dedicated courses (full degrees, or electives) that address sustainability and the SDGs
Dedicated outreach educational activities for the wider community, which could include alumni, local residents, displaced people
Develop and support programmes and incentives that encourage good aquatic stewardship
Education or resources to assist the start-up of sustainable businesses in the local community - for example, mentorship programmes, training workshops, access to university facilities
Educational events that provide vocational training for those not studying at the university
Educational opportunities for local communities to learn about good water management
Educational or outreach programmes on sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism for local or national communities
Educational outreach activities in the local community, including schools
Educational programmes on ecosystems for local or national communities
Educational programmes on fresh-water ecosystems for local or national communities
Educational programmes or outreach on sustainable management of land for agriculture and tourism
Encourage telecommuting, remote working or condensed working weeks
Encouraging applications in areas where women are under-represented
Events for local farmers and food producers to connect and transfer knowledge
Events that are open to the general public, such as lectures or specific educational courses
Evidence that these policies also apply to outsourced services
Evidence that these policies also apply to outsourced suppliers
Existence of a diversity and equality committee, office or officer
Existence of university climate action plan shared with local government and community groups
Field-weighted citation index of papers
Field-weighted citation index of papers
Financial assistance to aid the start-up of sustainable businesses in the local community
For this metric, we measure the proportion of graduates who receive a degree associated with any aspect of food sustainability within an agricultural or aquacultural course, out of the institution's total number of graduates. It aims to capture whether a university actively teaches food sustainability within undergraduate and postgraduate agriculture and aquaculture courses.
Free drinking water for students, staff and visitors
Graduation/completion targets for students who fall in the bottom 20 per cent of household income in the country (or a more tightly defined target)
Guarantees of equal rights for outsourced labour workers
Healthy and affordable food choices for all on campus
Include local biodiversity in any planning and development processes - for example, construction of new buildings
Inform and support local or regional government on issues associated with climate change
Informing and support governments on policy development related to clean energy and energy-efficient technology
Interventions to target hunger among students and staff - for example, providing access to food banks
Landscape planting to minimise water usage
Local education programmes or campaigns on climate change
Maintain and extend existing ecosystems and their biodiversity
Maintain and extend existing ecosystems and their biodiversity, either through research or engagement with industry
Maternity and paternity policies that support women's participation
Measure the amount of waste generated and recycled
Measure the reuse of water across university
Measuring or tracing pay scale gender equity
Mentoring, counselling or peer support programmes aimed at students and staff from under-represented groups
Monitor health of aquatic ecosystems
Non-discriminatory admissions policy
Number of publications
Number of publications
Number of publications on gender equality
Outreach activities to raise awareness about overfishing, unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices
Outreach programmes in the local community to improve or promote health and well-being
Participating in policymaking at a local, regional, national and/or global level to implement programmes and policies to end poverty
Participatory bodies to recognise and engage local stakeholders
Payment of a living wage to staff and faculty
Plan to minimise physical, chemical and biological alterations of aquatic ecosystems
Plan to reduce overall energy consumption
Plan to reduce plastic waste on campus
Planned action to recruit students and staff from under-represented groups
Plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy efficiency rating
Policies to identify and engage local stakeholders
Policy addressing application, acceptance, entry and participation rates for female students
Policy against modern slavery, forced labour, human trafficking and child labour
Policy of non-discrimination against transgender people
Policy of non-discrimination against women
Policy on divesting from carbon-intensive energy industries, notably coal and oil
Policy on ending discrimination in the workplace
Policy on ethical sourcing of food and supplies
Policy on minimising the use of disposable items
Policy on minimising the use of plastic
Policy on pay scale equity, including commitment to measure and eliminate gender pay gaps
Policy on reducing plastic waste on campus
Policy on the appropriate disposal of hazardous waste
Policy on waste disposal, covering hazardous materials
Policy preventing and reducing marine pollution
Policy protecting those reporting discrimination
Policy supporting academic freedom
Policy to ensure all renovations or new builds follow energy efficiency standards
Policy to ensure that food on campus is sustainably farmed
Policy to ensure that seafood on campus is sustainably harvested
Policy to ensure that these activities are open to all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status or gender
Policy to ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of land ecosystems associated with the university
Policy to identify, monitor and protect threatened species affected by the operation of the university
Policy to maximise water reuse across university
Policy to measure amount of waste sent to landfill and amount recycled
Policy to reduce impact of non-native species on campus
Prioritise pedestrian access on campus
Prioritise purchase of products from local, sustainable sources
Process for carbon management and reducing carbon dioxide emissions
Process for employees to appeal decisions on rights and/or pay
Process to prevent polluted water entering water system
Process to treat wastewater
Programme on student food insecurity
Programmes for the local community to learn about the importance of energy efficiency and clean energy
Programmes or initiatives to assist students who fall in the bottom 20 per cent of household income in the country (or a more tightly defined target) to successfully complete their studies
Promote sustainable commuting
Promoting conscious water usage on campus and in wider community
Promoting public pledge on 100 per cent renewable energy beyond the university
Proportion of female authors across all indexed publications
Proportion of health graduates
Proportion of papers in the top 10 per cent of journals as defined by Citescore
Proportion of papers in the top 10 per cent of journals as defined by Citescore
Proportion of papers in the top 10 per cent of journals as defined by Citescore
Proportion of papers on gender equality in the top 10 per cent of journals as defined by Citescore
Proportion of research papers that are cited in clinical guidance
Proportion of research papers that are viewed or downloaded
Proportion of waste recycled
Provide artistic events for members of the public, such as concerts
Provide food security and sustainable agriculture and aquaculture knowledge, skills or technology to local farmers and food producers
Providing a neutral platform for political stakeholders to discuss challenges
Providing expert advice to government
Providing outreach to policy and lawmakers
Provision of appropriate women's access schemes, such as mentoring
Public access to buildings and/or natural heritage landscapes of cultural significance
Public access to open and green spaces
Public access to university libraries
Public access to university museums, galleries or works of art
Publishing university financial data
Publishing university principles on organised crime, corruption and bribery
Recognition of union and labour rights
Record and preserve local heritage
Relationships with regional NGOs and government for SDG policy
Reviews to identify areas where energy waste is highest
Schemes to support poor students from low or lower-middle income countries - for example, offering free education or grants
Services aimed at improving energy efficiency and clean energy for local industry
Smoke-free policy
Students who receive significant financial aid in order to attend the institution.
Support for students from low income families to enable them to complete university - for example, in relation to food, housing, transportation, legal services
Support or organise events aimed to promote conservation and sustainable use of bodies of water
Support or organise events aimed to promote conservation and sustainable use of land
Support services for people with disabilities
Supporting water conservation off campus
Sustainable food choices for all on campus, including vegetarian and vegan food
Sustainable water extraction technologies on associated university grounds on and off campus
Targets on sustainable commuting
Targets to admit students who fall in the bottom 20 per cent of household income in the country (or a more tightly defined target)
This focuses on research that is relevant to industry, innovation and infrastructure, measuring the volume of research produced. [The number of publications looks at the scale of research output from a university around industry, innovation and infrastructure]
This is defined as the energy used per floor space (gigajoule/m2) of university buildings. It measures units of energy used by an individual, event, organisation or product at the university.
This is defined as the number of patents from any source that cite research conducted by the university. [Patents are an indicator of the relevance of university research to society and industry. Rather than looking at patents directly associated with a university, we instead explore the number of patents from any source that cite research conducted by the university.]
This is defined as the number of women in senior roles, divided by the total number of senior roles in the university. Senior roles can include professorships, deanships and senior university leaders. The category does not include honorary positions. All data are provided as full-time equivalents.
This is defined as the number of women starting a degree who identify as being the first person in their immediate family to attend university, divided by the total number of women starting a degree. All data are provided as full-time equivalents.
This is defined as the number of women who are awarded a degree, divided by the total number of students who are awarded a degree. The data are provided as headcounts and subject-weighted against three broad areas: STEM; medicine; and arts, humanities and social sciences.
To understand how a university is supporting health professions, we measure the proportion of graduates who receive a degree associated with a health-related profession out of the institution's total number of graduates. The data relate to the number of graduates in the 2020 academic year. The degree does not necessarily give them the ability to practise directly; additional qualifications may be required.
To understand if universities are preparing students for the world of work, we asked for the number of students with an employment placement of more than a month required as part of their studies, divided by the total number of students. All data are provided as full-time equivalents.
Track women's graduation rate compared with men's and scheme in place to close any gap
Tracking application, acceptance and completion rates for female students
Training or programmes to improve access to basic services for all
Undertaking policy-focused research in collaboration with government departments
Universities can support justice through the provision of appropriately educated graduates, so we measured the number of graduates in law or civil policing subjects divided by the total number of graduates. All courses must include a positive ethical dimension and the data relate to the number of graduates in the 2020 academic year.
University spin-offs are defined as registered companies set up to exploit intellectual property that has originated from within the institution. This metric looks at spin-offs that were established on or after 1 January 2000. They must have been established at least three years ago and still be active.
Water consumption per person
Water consumption tracking
Water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges
Water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges
Watershed management strategy based on diversity of aquatic species
We asked institutions whether they published specific data on their performance against each of the 17 SDGs. We gave extra credit for documents that are in the public domain.
We asked whether the institution published a university sustainability report between 2018 and 2020 and whether this was a stand-alone document or part of a larger annual report. Publication of a sustainability report is a direct requirement of SDG 12 by the United Nations.
Women's mentoring schemes, in which at least 10 per cent of female students participate
Work on technologies or practices to help marine industry prevent damage to aquatic ecosystems
Work with local authorities to address planning issues, including the provision of affordable housing for local residents
Working with local or national government to plan for climate change disasters
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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Non Affiliated Institution
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
The American College of Greece Research Center
University College Cork
University of Murcia
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