Course Tags: #NoPoverty#ZeroHunger#GoodHealthAndWellbeing#GenderEquality#DecentWorkAndEconomicGrowth#IndustryInnovationAndInfrastructure#ReducedInequality#SustainableCitiesAndCommunities#ResponsibleConsumptionAndProduction#PeaceAndJusticeStrongInstitutions

Institution: University of Murcia

Professor: Amelia Perez

Associate Professor: Amelia Perez

Level: Undergraduate

Course Outline

This course provides a general overview of the main trends and patterns in the economy and the firm over time, with greater emphasis on the factors that generated the industrial revolution, the spread of economic growth and instability in the global economy during the 19th and 20th Centuries.

Main topics:

  1. The causes and consequences of industrialization in the West.

2.The determinants of catch-up and convergence, or their absence in various parts of the world in different time periods.

3.The role of institutions in the process of development.

General aims:

1.To provide a general outline of the evolution of the world economy to understand the main factors that determine the dynamics of today’s society.

2.To promote a better understanding of the real economic performance.

3.To enhance the importance of (historical) context in order to understand the evolution of economic systems.

4.To expand the range of empirical settings in students’ research by drawing upon historical material and long-run data.

5.To develop and present a narrative discourse, based on different sources (writings, statistical sources, graphs, etc).

6.To encourage constructive discussions demonstrating a tolerant attitude, constructive criticism and dialogue.

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